Tokyo 2016 Workshop 1 – Workshop on how to get your paper published

Tokyo 2016 Workshop 1 - Workshop on how to get your paper published


15 Sep 2016    
13:00 - 17:00


Teikyo University Itabashi-Campus
Teikyo University, Itabashi, Tokyo

Event Type

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Getting your paper published is a challenge for all public health researchers and practitioners. After putting a lot of work into your research and then making an effort to write the results in a way that will be of value to others, it is depressing to receive a rejection letter. In this workshop we will discuss the best ways to present your results and show examples of a ways to improve communication and increase the likelihood of your paper being published.


Name Organization
Colin Binns School of Public Health, Curtin University
Wah Yun Low University of Malaya
Venue: Teikyo University Itabashi Campus
Registration Fees: APACPH Members Affiliation – 5,000¥
APACPH Non-Members Affiliation – 10,000¥
Capacity: 50 people/each workshop (Close when it reaches the capacity)

If your University or Organisation is a member institution, then you are eligible for APACPH member price. Check-out the the list of APACPH Member Institutions.

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