Following ten years of publishing the Journal twice-yearly at the University of Malaya,the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health will be going quarterly in 2006.
‘I am pleased to announce that the editorial office is now receiving sufficient articles to increase production of the Journal to four annually. This is a major step towards establishing the Journal as a significant world-class quality publication,’ noted Prof Anuar Zaini, Editor-in-Chief.
In line with the increase in production, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health will be publishing a special issue on the subject of ‘Health Security and Disaster Management’. This issue will contain full papers from presentations at the 37th APACPH Conference in Taipei, November 2005, but will also include other relevant papers from across the Region. The
guest editor for this issue will be Prof Anthony Zwi,who has considerable experience in this field. A Call for Papers will be widely publicised shortly.
Negotiations are on-going with two publishing houses that are interested in taking over the production of the Journal. Some of the benefits of moving to an outside publisher include electronic publishing of articles, publicity and promotion of the journal globally and a more sophisticated submission process. APACPH is keen to maintain editorial control and to
offer services such as assistance with English for those who need it so that the unique qualities of the Journal are not lost.
The next issue of the Journal Vol 18:1 is due out in March 2006 and has a focus on community health promotion approaches and health seeking behaviours.
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