This is the culmination of three years work by a large number of organisations and individuals. Please feel free to distribute through your own networks. While COVID19 has displaced most other Public Health issues this report and subsequent activity will impact upon food security and global health and wellbeing. Working with such a multidisciplinary, multinational group was a challenge and the simplicity of the document and the final three priority areas hides a substantial amount of discussion.
Contributing authors: Britt Alexander, Tom Appleby, Anouk Blauw, Elisa Berdalet, Eline Boelee, Easkey Britton, Lora Buckman, Jan-Bart Calewaert, Caroline Costongs, Daniel Cox, Sophie Davison, Michael Depledge, Liesbet Dirvenvan Breemen, Christine Domegan, Sam Dupont, Claire Eatock, Lora E. Fleming, Esther Garrido Gamarro, Ruth Garside, Manel Gazo, Jos van Gils, Henk Hilderink, Judith Hin, Marcel Jaspars, Kate Larkin, Audrey Legat, Josep Lloret, Fabio Martins Gueth, Bruce Maycock, Patricia McHugh, Oonagh McMeel, Joana Mira Veiga, Paulo Moreira, Micheál Ó Cinnéide, Sabine Pahl, Mariluz Parga, Noortje Pellens, Katja Philipart, Shirley Pomponi, Bethany Roberts, Ciska Schets, Enrico Scoccimarro, Rebecca Short, Alex Smalley, John Stegeman, Frank Sullivan, Tim Taylor, Torsten Thiele, Nathalie Tonné, Michiel Vandegehuchte, Julia Vera Prieto, Dick Vethaak, Marit de Vries, Mathew White, Susanne Wuijts, Bas van der Zaan, Ariana Zeka, Michiel Zijp
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