COVID-19 recovery requires nimble policymaking: Experts

The expert from the meeting of the First APACPH Webinar on COVID-19 has highlighted several issues that are important to ensure the smooth recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the main issues and measures highlighted in the meeting were:

  1. The gradual easing of restriction will be unavoidable over the coming months in order to reduce economic impact.
  2. Lockdown, while effective has a huge error, because you punish people who are ‘innocent,’ and then the economy suffers, instead, mass testing and contact tracing is a prefer mearure in tracking the infection.
  3. Countries should utilises the time period when the outbreak is under control to enhance capacity and decentralise testing.
  4. Self-discipline of individuals is the key
  5. Clear communication strategy is vital

The summary of the webinar was published in the Sri Lanka’s Daily FT newspaper.