Host the APACPH 2026 Conference

Join us in shaping the future of public health education and fostering collaboration across the Asia-Pacific region.

The Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) is excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals to host the APACPH Conference in 2026. This is a unique opportunity for institutions across the region to lead an influential event that brings together public health leaders, researchers, and educators from the Asia-Pacific.

Call for Proposals: Host the APACPH Conference in 2026

We invite all interested institutions to submit their proposals by September 2024. Hosting this prestigious conference will position your institution at the forefront of public health discussions and provide an invaluable platform for academic and professional networking.

Your Proposal Should Include:

  1. Brief Background of the Institution
    Provide an overview of your institution, emphasizing relevant experiences in organizing large-scale academic or public health events.
  2. Proposed Theme
    Suggest a theme for the conference that addresses both current and emerging public health issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
  3. Expected Date
    Indicate the proposed dates for the conference in 2026.

How to Submit Your Proposal:

Please submit your proposal to the APACPH Secretariat by the deadline in September 2024. We look forward to partnering with you to advance public health education and foster collaboration throughout the region.

This is your chance to help shape the future of public health education across the Asia-Pacific region. We encourage all eligible institutions to participate and look forward to receiving your proposals.