The Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Multi-Country Research Grant aims to encourage and support cooperative research on public health in the Asia-Pacific region. The APACPH research fund is intended to strengthen the international academic exchanges among countries in the Asia-Pacific region by providing an opportunity to collaborate with institutions in different countries. The scope of our research fund is broad and multidisciplinary, encouraging all research that contributes to public health in the region.
The recipients for the APACPH Multi-Country Grant Recipient 2024 are:
- Dr. Zulkhairul Naim bin Sidek Ahmad from the University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia. Project title: The development and effect of school-based participatory health education on climate change among primary school students in rural areas of Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Co-Principal Investigators: Dr Kurnia Ardiansyah Akbar (Jember University, Indonesia) & Dr TJ Robinson T. Moncatar (University of the Philippines, Philippines)
- Dr. Wah Yun Low from the Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Project title: Breastfeeding practices, psychosocial and nutritional status of working lactating mothers in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand). Co-Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti (University of Airlangga, Indonesia) & Assist. Dr. Prasert Prasomrak (Mahidol University, Thailand)
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